Sunday, 18 September 2016

Z.R Southcombe visits New Windsor School.

Zenobia visits our school to give us a Zine workshop.

We loved it so much that we created our very own Zines as soon as we went back to class.Here are some of them.
Thank you Zenobia for inspiring us!

Saturday, 17 September 2016

Speech contest

Welcome to the New Windsor School speech  contest.
Congratulations to our two class representatives.
Well done Milana and Faiyaaz.

MIlana's speech was about the Olympics.
Well done Milana!

Faiyaaz spoke about his favourite activity .... Lego!
Great job Faiyaaz!!!!!

Book Week.

Fun activities during Book Week.

Watch Out !! Each one of us has just stepped out from a book for the "Book Character parade".

Important information.


Oh no! Simon the pirate from "The Caretaker of imagination" wants me to make him some chocolate cake.

I must find the recipe first.


" Now tell me Miss Red Riding Hood, where is that big bad wolf ? Mr. Cowboy is ready to save you!"


A big thank you to Rayhan's Dad for visiting our class. He shared a lot of information about his childhood and growing up in Morocco.
We enjoyed your visit, please come again.

Keeping our minds and bodies fit and Healthy

Can you see us being Reponsible!Respectful! and the best that we can be ?

Wow! What a swing!


Now how did she do that?

Hold on! don't give up!

Yes! I can do this too!


We loved our special Double Decker bus ride back to school.Thank you Driver!

Saturday, 10 September 2016

Term 3  2016              Calendar Art

Leaf rubbing and Collage    by Room 5