Thursday, 12 May 2016

Happenings at the end of Term 1

Happenings at the end of Term 1

Goodbye to Alistair.

Alistair  reading his goodbye card.
We miss you!!!

Alistair is Studying in Wales. He is training to be a teacher. Alistair came to visit Room 5 at New Windsor school to learn about  the New Zealand Education System.

 We looked at the map to see where Alistair had come from.

Anzac Day celebrations.

"Lest we forget."

Working on our Anzac day poster

Making our Poppy garland.

How many poppies did we make ?

How long is our garland?

 Of course, we couldn't have Anzac Day without making and eating Anzac Biscuits.

Why can't  we bake everyday?

This is fun!!!

 Yes, our teacher insisted that we wash our hands first!

The last day of Term.

What better way to end the term..... than popcorn and movies!!!

A visit from an Author.

Zee Southcombe  came to our school to talk to us about writing. We learnt, that we too are like authors, when we write our stories everyday.

Thank you Zee for your valuable visit.


  1. When is Zee going to come.By Doris

  2. Having an author visit your class is really exciting. I wonder if any one from room 5 will grow up to be an author ?


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